We source our material from trusted and field tested producers. We build your garden like a professional organic farmer.

Organic Material

We source our material from trusted and field tested producers. We build your garden like a professional organic farmer.

What is Organic Gardening?

Interest in organic gardening is greater than ever but so is confusion over exactly how to accomplish it. How do you provide the nutrients plants need to survive? What can you do about insects and plant diseases? Are some plants too difficult to grow organically in our climate?


A basic definition of organic gardening is gardening without synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. But organic gardening is much more than simply replacing manmade chemicals with those derived from natural sources. It is a philosophy of gardening that supports the health of the whole system. In an organically managed yard or vegetable garden the emphasis is on cultivating an ecosystem that sustains and nourishes plants, soil microbes and beneficial insects rather than simply making plants grow.

Creating this ecosystem begins with testing the soil.

Key benefits with our service

  • We can help you become a better organic gardener
  • We can provide organic fertilizers and soil amendments
  • We can educate you on natural pest control
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